Saturday, September 1, 2007

An unfortunate day in Malaga

After a great night touring around Malaga, my wallet must have dropped out of my pocket in the taxi. Tonight I will have the hotel call the taxi dispatcher to tell the drivers that there is a handsome reward to anyone who comes up with the wallet. I went to the police station and not one of them spoke English which was surprising to me. The officer opened a drawer and showed me a few wallets that looked about 20 years old and covered in dust. We told them "Gracias" and continued our search.


Anonymous said...

That sucks about your wallet! I hope you have back up. I miss you and am glad to see you're doing well. I love reading your blog and checkin' out your pictures. You're so handsome, LoL. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh Sh** dude!
Vienna-London-Vienna-Cagliari today, sitting at Luton.
All the best!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, man. Good luck. - Jon